diff --git a/dynamic_host_configuration_please.org b/dynamic_host_configuration_please.org index e92baf8..9507213 100644 --- a/dynamic_host_configuration_please.org +++ b/dynamic_host_configuration_please.org @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ interface. For example for iwm0 the file is =/etc/hostname.iwm0=], which is read by [[https://man.openbsd.org/netstart.8][netstart(8)]] during boot. netstart(8) calls ifconfig(8) internally to handle the network configuration. -For a long time, we could only configure one SSID: +For a long time, we could only configure one Wi-Fi network: #+begin_src shell $ cat /etc/hostname.iwm0 nwid home wpakey "trivial password"