2023-01-29 11:46:34 +01:00

384 lines
12 KiB

# llgal configuration options.
# These options may be defined in /etc/llgal/llgalrc, a per-user
# ${HOME}/.llgal/llgalrc file or a directory-specific .llgal/llgalrc.
# Most of these options may later be overridden by command line options.
# Default are shown in examples below.
# Syntax is one of these:
# variable = "string"
# variable = decimal number
# variable = 0 or 1 for disabling or enabled
# For now, only static values are supported.
# Brackets indicate corresponding command line options.
##### Name of generic llgal files #####
# Name of the captions header file that is inserted at the beginning
# of generated captions files.
# captions_header_filename = "captions.header"
# Name of the CSS file.
# Such a file will be stored under $local_llgal_dir.
# css_filename = "llgal.css"
# Name of the film tile image.
# Such a file will be stored under $local_llgal_dir.
# Note that this filename must match the one that is used in the CSS file.
# filmtile_filename = "tile.png"
# Name for image link to the index, previous or next slide
# index_link_image_filename = "index.png"
# prev_slide_link_image_filename = "prev.png"
# next_slide_link_image_filename = "next.png"
# Name of the index template.
# Such a template file will be used during gallery generation.
# indextemplate_filename = "indextemplate.html"
# Name of the slide template.
# Such a template file will be used during gallery generation.
# slidetemplate_filename = "slidetemplate.html"
##### Location of llgal files if available on the web #####
# Location of the CSS file if available on the web [--uc <url>].
# If ending with '/', css_filename will be added.
# css_location = ""
# Location of llgal image files if available on the web.
# If ending with '/', their generic filename will be added.
# These locations may be set alltogether with --ui <url>.
# filmtile_location = ""
# index_link_image_location = ""
# prev_slide_link_image_location = ""
# next_slide_link_image_location = ""
##### Location and name of generated files #####
# Local subdirectory where llgal files generated files will be stored.
# This option is only available in system- and user-wide configuration
# files.
# Note that HTML files are generated in place while captions and CSS
# are kept in this subdirectory.
# Gallery specific HTML templates and llgalrc configuration file
# might also be defined here.
# local_llgal_dir = ".llgal"
# Name of the generated index file [-i <s>]
# index_filename = "index"
# Prefix of generated HTML slide filenames
# Note that this prefix is used to decide what HTML to delete when --clean
# is passed. Setting this option to an empty string will make llgal remove
# all HTML files.
# slide_filenameprefix = "slide_"
# Prefix used to determine the filenames of scaled image that are
# shown in slides (in case of --sx or --sy).
# These files will be stored under $local_llgal_dir.
# scaled_image_filenameprefix = "scaled_"
# Prefix used to determine thumbnail filenames from original images.
# These files will be stored under $local_llgal_dir.
# thumbnail_image_filenameprefix = "thumb_"
# Name of the captions file that will be generated when llgal is called
# with --gc. This file will be stored under $local_llgal_dir.
# captions_filename = "captions"
# Additional prefix of user-provided scaled images
# user_scaled_image_filenameprefix = "my"
# Additional prefix of user-provided thumbnails
# user_thumbnail_image_filenameprefix = "my"
# Character to use to replace / in the thumbnail/scaled of subdir images
# path_separator_replacement = "@"
##### Index #####
# Cellpadding in the index table [-p <n>]
# Must be >= 0, setting to < 0 resets to default
# index_cellpadding = 3
# Display links and text as regular text instead of thumbnails
# in the main gallery thumbnail index [-L]
# list_links = 0
# Pixels per row of thumbnails in index [--wx <n>]
# Must be > 0, 0 means unlimited, setting to < 0 resets to default
# pixels_per_row = 0
# Thumbnails per row in index [-w <n>]
# Must be > 0, 0 means unlimited, setting to < 0 resets to default
thumbnails_per_row = 3
# Do not output any absolute thumbnail sizes in HTML code and assume the
# CSS style sheet will take care of it (in table.index [td.image-slide [img]])
# slide_dimensions_from_css = 0
# Maximal height of thumbnails [--ty <n>]
# Must be > 0, setting to < 0 resets to default
# Changing this value does not affect the maximal width (see thumbnail_width_max)
thumbnail_height_max = 240
# Maximal width of thumbnails [--tx <n>]
# Must be > 0, 0 means unlimited, setting to < 0 resets to default
# Changing this value does not affect the maximal height (see thumbnail_height_max)
thumbnail_width_max = 240
# Write captions under thumbnails [-u]
# show_caption_under_thumbnails = 0
# Show a film effect in the index of thumbnails [--fe]
# show_film_effect = 0
# Make thumbnail links point to the target object instead of
# the corresponding slide
MVI_link_to_target = 1
# FIL_link_to_target = 0
DIR_link_to_target = 1
# LNK_link_to_target = 0
##### Slides #####
# Make no slides [-s]
# make_no_slides = 0
# Use filename as slide filename [-n]
# make_slide_filename_from_filename = 0
# Also use extension in the slide filename to differenciate
# slide filename of images that have same filenames.
# make_slide_filename_from_extension = 0
# Do not output any absolute image size in the HTML code and assume the
# CSS style sheet will take care of it (in table.slide td.image-slide img)
# slide_dimensions_from_css = 0
# Maximal width of slides [--sx <n>]
# Must be > 0, 0 means unlimited, setting to < 0 resets to default
slide_width_max = 700
# Maximal height of slides [--sy <n>]
# Must be > 0, 0 means unlimited, setting to < 0 resets to default
slide_height_max = 700
# Default size of non-image slides.
# Must be > 0, setting to < 0 resets to default
# Note that the --sx and --sy options may lead to reduction of these values.
# text_slide_width = 400
# text_slide_height = 300
# Use an image instead of a text label for the link to the index,
# previous or next slide [--li]
# index_link_image = 0
# next_slide_link_image = 0
# prev_slide_link_image = 0
# Use a thumbnail preview instead of a text label for the link
# to the previous or next slide [--lt]
# next_slide_link_preview = 0
# prev_slide_link_preview = 0
# Generate slide titles from captions [-k]
# make_slide_title_from_caption = 0
# Generate links between last and first slides or galleries.
# link_between_last_and_first = 1
# Display a table of EXIF tags under each image slide [--exif]
# The tags are given with their name in exiftool -list and separated
# with a comma.
# show_exif_tags = ""
# Display a table of all available EXIF tags under each image slide [--exif]
show_all_exif_tags = 1
##### Captions #####
# This line will be added to the captions file llgal will generate when
# called with --gc. If the user doesn't want llgal to remove this captions
# file when called with --clean, it just needs to remove this line from
# the file.
# Generate captions from comment stored in images [--cc [<s>]]
# make_caption_from_image_comment = ""
# Also generate captions from timestamp stored in images [--ct]
# make_caption_from_image_timestamp = 0
# Generate captions from filenames without their extension [--cf]
# make_caption_from_filename = 0
# Generate captions from filenames with their extension
# make_caption_from_extension = 0
# Show dimensions and/or size of the images and movies [-a, --ad, --as]
# show_dimensions = 0
# show_size = 0
# Change the format of the counter shown on the slides
# %n is replaced by the slide number, %0n gets leading zeros,
# and %t is replaced by the number of slides.
# Setting to "" disables the slide counter [--nc]
# slide_counter_format = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(%0n/%t)"
##### Text #####
# Default title of the gallery.
# May be overridden with [--title <s>] or TITLE: in the captions file.
# index_title_default = "Index of pictures"
# Change text in links to parent directory.
# parent_gallery_link_text = "Back to parent gallery"
# Change text in links to previous gallery.
# prev_gallery_link_text = "Previous gallery "
# Change text in links to next directory.
# next_gallery_link_text = "Next gallery "
# Label of the link from a slide to the index
# index_link_text = "Index"
# Label of the link from a slide to the previous one
# prev_slide_link_text = "&larr;"
# Label of the link from a slide to the next one
# next_slide_link_text = "Next&gt;&gt;"
# Text prefixing the filename when generating link text
# for movies without a captions file.
# MVI_link_text = "Open movie "
# Text prefixing the filename when generating link text
# for files without a captions file.
# FIL_link_text = "Download file "
# Text prefixing the filename when generating link text
# for directories without a captions file.
# DIR_link_text = "Open subgallery "
# Text shown as image alternative for full-size images in slides
# alt_full_text = ""
# Text shown as image alternative for scaled images in slides
# alt_scaled_text = "Scaled image "
# Text shown as image alternative for thumbnails in the index
# alt_thumbnail_text = "Thumbnail "
# Text shown as an image alternative for the film tile in the index
# alt_film_tile_text = "Film tile"
# Text shown when the mouse pointer is over a scaled image in a slide
# over_scaled_text = "Click to see full size "
# Text shown when the mouse pointer is over a thumbnail
# over_thumbnail_text = "Click to enlarge "
# Text shown when the mouse pointer is over a link from a slide to the index
# over_index_link_text = "Return to the index"
# Text shown when the mouse pointer is over a link from a slide to the previous one
# over_prev_slide_link_text = "Previous slide "
# Text shown when the mouse pointer is over a link from a slide to the next one
# over_next_slide_link_text = "Next slide "
# Unit to be used when printing sizes [--asu <s>]
# show_size_unit = "kB"
# Set timestamp format in captions (when enabled) using strftime format [--ct <s>]
# timestamp_format_in_caption = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
# Credits line at the bottom of the index
credits_text = "Copyright © 2014 - 2023 Florian Obser. All rights reserved."
##### What files to insert in the gallery #####
# Extensions that are matched when searching images (|-separated list)
# image_extensions = "jpg|jpeg|gif|png|tif|tiff|bmp|webp"
# Extensions that are matched when searching movies (|-separated list)
# movie_extensions = "mpg|mpeg|avi|mov|ogm|wmv|mp4|3gp|webm"
# Add all files to the list of entries
# not only images and movies [-A]
# add_all_files = 0
# Add subdirectories to the list of entries [-S]
# add_subdirs = 0
# Exclude files whose name matches [--exclude <s>]
# This option may be used several times.
exclude = "^js$"
# Include files whose name matches and were previously excluded [--include <s>].
# This option may be used several times.
# The order of includes and excludes is respected.
# include = "regexp"
# Sort criteria when scanning files in the working directory [--sort]
sort_criteria = "revtime"
##### Sections #####
# Add a new subdirectory to the list of sections [-P]
# section_dir = "subdir"
# Add all subdirectories to the list of sections [--Pall]
# recursive_sections = 0
# Add the subdirectory name as a title at the beginning of each section [--Ps]
# entitle_sections = 0
# Add a horizontal line at the beginning of each section in the index [--Ps]
# separate_sections = 0
##### Recursion #####
# Run recursively in subdirectories [-R]
recursive = 1
# Add links between subgalleries [--Rl]
link_subgalleries = 1
# Add links to the parent directory [--parent-gal]
# parent_gallery_link = 0
##### Various #####
# Additional configuration file [--config <s>]
# This option may be used multiple times.
# additional_configuration_file = "my_llgal.rc"
# Additional template directories [--templates].
# This option may be used multiple times.
# additional_template_dir = "path"
# Codeset to be set in HTML headers [--codeset <s>]
# codeset = "codeset"
# Language to be used for generated text in HTML pages [--lang <s>]
# If set, the LANGUAGE environment variable might prevent this option from working.
# language = "locale"
# Command to be used to generate scaled images and thumbnails
# thumbnail_create_command = "convert -scale <MAXW>x<MAXH> -- <IN> <OUT>"
# scaled_create_command = "convert -scale <MAXW>x<MAXH> -- <IN> <OUT>"
# Force regeneration of thumbnails and scaled images [-f].
# force_image_regeneration = 0
# Print notice messages [-v]
# verbose = 0
# Give access rights for www access [--www]
# www_access_rights = 0
# Extension of generate webpages [--php]
# www_extension = "html"