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#+TITLE: DHCPv6-PD - First steps
#+DATE: 2024-05-26
* Prologue
The single most requested feature missing in OpenBSD base directed at
me is DHCPv6-PD. Recently I got a working setup at home using [[][dhcpcd]]
from ports and a donated Fritz!Box 6660 Cable[fn::Thanks again
Mischa & Ibsen!][fn::The CPE from my ISP was just too broken to work with, let
alone develop against. It only ever hands out a single prefix and
would need a factory reset afterwards. It also does not route the
delegated prefix but depends on [[][ND Proxy.]]]. Time to hack on this.
[[][DHCPv6]] is not wildly deployed outside of enterprise
networks[fn::Because of android refusing to implement it.]. DHCP for
Prefix Delegation (DHCPv6-PD) on the other hand is *the standard* to
get IPv6 prefixes into home networks. [[][RFC 8415]] has this:
It is appropriate for situations in which the delegating router (1)
does not have knowledge about the topology of the networks to which
the requesting router is attached and (2) does not require other
information aside from the identity of the requesting router to choose
a prefix for delegation. This mechanism is appropriate for use by an
ISP to delegate a prefix to a subscriber, where the delegated prefix
would possibly be subnetted and assigned to the links within the
subscriber's network.
* Transmogrifying dhcpleased(8)
This not being my first rodeo, it took me about 4 hours over a weekend
to transmogrify [[][=dhcpleased(8)=]] into =dhcp6leased(8)= and have it talk
to my Fritz!Box. I have also setup [[][ISC's Kea DHCP server]] for easier
development and to not risk my production network at home. Of course
it is not yet able to configure the system, but it can request a
prefix delegation from the server and parse the response. This is
enough to play with the protocol and work on the grammar for the
configuration file.
* Describing network topology
=dhcp6leased(8)= will not just request an IPv6 prefix delegation but
also use the delegated prefix to assign prefixes to downstream network
interfaces. [[][rad(8)]] can then be used to send router advertisements for
clients to get IPv6 connectivity on different subnets in the home
The typical use case is probably to have a few networks connected to
the OpenBSD router using vlans[fn::Maybe one vlan for WiFi, one for IOT
and one for guest WiFi.] and assign =/64= prefixes to each one of
A more advanced use case would be to assign prefixes of different
lengths to the vlan interfaces. For example I have a whole (virtual)
network lab hanging off of an OpenBSD router which is not a single
flat network. I need to assign a =/60= to that interface[fn::The IETF
never managed to fully standardize this. I hear this is where homenet
failed. A less ambitious working group is working in this problem
space now: [[][Stub Network Auto Configuration for IPv6 (snac)]]. But they
only want to deal with flat networks.] to have enough space to subnet
Now, DHCPv6-PD allows us to request multiple prefixes. We could just
punt the problem of splitting a bigger prefix into smaller prefixes to
the DHCPv6 server. However, the [[][RFC has this]]:
In principle, DHCP allows a client to request new prefixes to be
delegated by sending additional IA_PD options (see Section 21.21).
However, a typical operator usually prefers to delegate a single,
larger prefix. In most deployments, it is recommended that the client
request a larger prefix in its initial transmissions rather than
request additional prefixes later on.
And indeed, the Fritz!Box only gives us one prefix. We can hand the
prefix back and request a larger one, but it will only honour a single
=IA_PD= option in a solicit message.
This means we have to split up the prefix ourselves. This is perfectly
simple if we are only dealing with =/64= networks. Just count the
networks, round up to the nearest power of two and calculate the
required prefix size from that.
This gets more complicated if the prefix lengths for our sub-networks
are non-uniform, like in the more advanced use case.
I went a bit on a tangent and tried to solve this for the general
case. That means arbitrary subnet sizes and an optimal packing in the
delegated prefix. I think that would come down to the [[][Bin packing
problem]] which is... annoying[fn::Otherwise known as NP-hard.].
I then noticed that we want a stable assignment, meaning when we add
or remove an interface we do not want to renumber all the existing and
remaining interfaces. Which would happen if try to come up with an
optimal solution because prefix assignments would most likely shift
around every time we change something.
* dhcpcd's solution
At this point I was somewhat stuck and I had a look at how dhcpcd
deals with this. While I was already using dhcpcd in my network, I had
not yet setup the more advanced use case with a =/60= and multiple
=/64=. I was pretty sure that dhcpcd can handle this, but I did not
yet know how.
Disclaimer: What follows are my notes on how I got it to work. It is
likely that I am doing things wrong and misunderstand some
parts. Unfortunately I no longer have access to GitHub[fn::An
alternative reading is: I refuse to use it because they decided I am a
suplier, which I am not. And they locked me out of my account.], so I
cannot open an issue with the project to ask for help with this. I am
very sorry.
Here is the relevant part from the [[][dhcpcd.conf man page:]]
ia_pd [iaid [/ prefix / prefix_len] [interface [/ sla_id [/ prefix_len
[/ suffix]]]]]
Request a DHCPv6 Delegated Prefix for iaid. This option must
be used in an interface block. Unless a sla_id of 0 is as-
signed with the same resultant prefix length as the delegation,
a reject route is installed for the Delegated Prefix to stop
unallocated addresses being resolved upstream. If no interface
is given then we will assign a prefix to every other interface
with a sla_id equivalent to the interface index assigned by the
OS. Otherwise addresses are only assigned for each interface
and sla_id. To avoid delegating to any interface, use - as the
invalid interface name. Each assigned address will have a
suffix, defaulting to 1. If the suffix is 0 then a SLAAC ad-
dress is assigned. You cannot assign a prefix to the request-
ing interface unless the DHCPv6 server supports the RFC 6603
Prefix Exclude Option. dhcpcd has to be running for all the
interfaces it is delegating to. A default prefix_len of 64 is
assumed, unless the maximum sla_id does not fit. In this case
prefix_len is increased to the highest multiple of 8 that can
accommodate the sla_id. sla_id is an integer which must be
unique inside the iaid and is added to the prefix which must
fit inside prefix_len less the length of the delegated prefix.
You can specify multiple interface / sla_id / prefix_len per
ia_pd, space separated. IPv6RS should be disabled globally
when requesting a Prefix Delegation.
I kinda do not know what all of this means.
After much experimentation I ended up with this working-ish
ia_pd 2/::/59 vether0/0/60 vether1/1/64
which put this in =daemon.log=:
vio1: delegated prefix 2001:db8:3::/56
vether0: adding address 2001:db8:3::1/60
vether1: adding address 2001:db8:3:1::1/64
A closer look shows that the two prefixes overlap though:
#+begin_src python
>>> import ipaddress
>>> a = ipaddress.ip_network('2001:db8:3::/60')
>>> b = ipaddress.ip_network('2001:db8:3:1::/64')
>>> a.overlaps(b)
This configuration produces non-overlapping prefix assignments:
ia_pd 2/::/59 vether0/0/60 vether1/16/64
vio1: delegated prefix 2001:db8:3::/56
vether0: adding address 2001:db8:3::1/60
vether1: adding address 2001:db8:3:10::1/64
Taking this apart, token by token:
+ =ia_pd= :: This is just the keyword to request a prefix delegation.
+ =2/::/59= :: 2 is a unique request ID needed by the DHCPv6
protocol. =::= is the unspecified prefix and 59 is the requested
prefix length. Since the DHCPv6 server does not have an address pool
for =/59= it hands out a prefix for the next larger prefix for which
it does have a pool, =/56= in this case.
+ =vether0/0/60= :: This assigns the 1st (index 0) =/60= prefix to
+ =vether1/16/64= :: This assigns the 17th[fn::We are starting to
count at 0.] (index 16) =/64= prefix to =vether1=.
What I misunderstood when I used =vether1/1/64= was that =sla_id=
(the 1 in the middle) does not mean use the next free =/64= but use
the 2nd =/64= in the delegated prefix.
I find this confusing because the way I think about subnetting is that
the different prefixes do not stand alone. =2001:db8:3:10::/64= is not
the 17th =/64= prefix in =2001:db8:3::/56= but the first =/64= in the
2nd =/60=. It's a hierarchy.
* Next steps
dhcpcd puts a lot of work on the administrator to get the subnet
assignments just right. It neatly avoids[fn::You could say it punts
them to the administrator.] the problems I had identified. The
assignments are stable and the algorithm is not massively expensive.
This got me unstuck and I have an idea how =dhcp6leased(8)= should be
1. It should work out automatically the size of the prefix it
requests. I was under the impression that dhcpcd would also do
that, but it did not work. Probably my mistake somewhere.
2. Assignments are listed in order and =dhcpleased(8)= will work out
the boundaries.
I am not sure about the exact syntax, but as an example, consider
request prefix delegation on vio0 for {
It would request a =/58= which fits 4 =/60=. We assign the first =/60=
to =vether0=, keep the next =/60= in reserve in case we want to add
interfaces between =vether0= and =vether1= in the future without
triggering a renumber. We then pick the first =/64= out of the third
=/60= and assign it to =vether1=. We still have space in the third
=/60= to assign a =/64= to =vether2=. We pick the fourth and last
=/60= and assign it to =vether3=:
vether0 2001:db8:3::/60
reserve 2001:db8:3:10::/60
vether1 2001:db8:3:20::/64
vether2 2001:db8:3:21::/64
vether3 2001:db8:3:30::/60
I think I have code that can do this and it is not overly
complicated. It can currently only handle the upper 64 bits of an IPv6
address because it does math on =uint64_t=. I will try to extend it to
the lower half so that we can assign something like =/96= to a link,
even if that means that half the [[][IPv6 Maintenance (6man)]] IETF working
group will hunt me down.
* Epilogue
This strikes a slightly better balance between work that needs to be
done by the administrator and help the tool provides compared to what
dhcpcd implements. But I would not have come up with this without
prior work by dhcpcd, kudos to Roy.
Coming up with an addressing plan is still hard work, so I will
implement a feature in =dhcp6leased= to have it output the addressing
plan it worked out as a configuration check before going to
work. Because renumbering is hard.